For those who believe Intelligent Software can be Conscious and Overcome "The Markets"

At Scalper Intel, we are a dedicated team of Data Scientists committed to leveling the playing field for retail traders in the face of volatile market conditions. Our mission is to empower traders by sharing the benefits of our expertise. With Scalper Intel, you gain access to advanced systems and cutting-edge tools designed to enhance your trading experience and elevate your results. Join us on this journey as we equip you with the tools you need to thrive in the ever-changing world of trading

Free Products

Algo Traders

  • Automated Trading

    Don't miss other perfect entries or exits again, or let your emotions drive your decisions!

  • Modern Systems

    Millions of indicators and strategies are out there, but we have selected the emerging and modern ones that have passed our backtesting!

  • Scalping Philosophy

    Investing makes the rich richer! But dollar-cost-average for others at best! Our Systems may let you benefit from market moves without leaving your money in the Market!

Our Recommended Trading Platform

NinjaTrader® is our #1 recommended trading software preferred by traders worldwide including our clients.

Download NinjaTrader & receive immediate FREE access to:

• Real-time futures data
• Unlimited real-time forex data
• Advanced charting
• Trade simulator
• Strategy development and backtesting
• Connect to NinjaTrader Brokerage, Interactive Brokers, TD Ameritrade & more...

NinjaTrader’s award-winning trading platform is consistently voted an industry leader

by the trading community. Featuring 1000s of Apps & Add-Ons for unlimited customization, NinjaTrader is used by over 60,000 traders for advanced market analysis, professional charting and fast order execution.

For new traders, start preparing for the live markets with a free trading simulator featuring real-time market data.

Get Started for FREE!

Our Recommended Market Data Feed

Kinetick® delivers reliable, fast and cost-effective market data to help level the playing field for active traders. Take advantage of unfiltered, real time quotes for stocks, futures and forex that exceed the expectations of the world’s most demanding traders, like us!

Get started with FREE end-of-day historical market data directly through the NinjaTrader platform and learn how you can significantly reduce CME Group Globex exchange fees on real-time market data with Kinetick.

Get Started with Free EOD Data

Our Recommended Trading Community

Nexus.Fi is our top recommended trading community, trusted by traders worldwide, including our valued clients.

Join Nexus.Fi now and take advantage of an exclusive 33% discount by using the discount code "SCALP"

Why Nexus.Fi?

Vibrant Trading Community: Nexus.Fi boasts a thriving community of traders who share insights, strategies, and experiences. It's the go-to hub for traders seeking to connect with like-minded individuals.
Invaluable Insights: Gain access to real-time market insights, trading strategies, and in-depth discussions on a wide range of trading topics.
Interactive Forums: Engage in discussions on various trading instruments, platforms, and trading techniques.
Educational Resources: Explore a treasure trove of educational resources, including webinars, tutorials, and trading articles.
Exclusive Discounts: Join Nexus.Fi today and enjoy a 33% discount on your membership using the discount code "SCALP"

Join Nexus.Fi
  • Building Your First Strategy Alert in NinjaTrader 8

    Building Your First Strategy Alert in NinjaTrad...

    If you can't sit at your computer all day and prefer to sleep or watch YouTube while trading, this tutorial is for you. Imagine your computer calling you when it's...

    Building Your First Strategy Alert in NinjaTrad...

    If you can't sit at your computer all day and prefer to sleep or watch YouTube while trading, this tutorial is for you. Imagine your computer calling you when it's...

  • The Journey to Emotionless Trading

    The Journey to Emotionless Trading

    Introduction: Welcome back to our "Algo Trading Unleashed" series! In the previous post, we discussed practical advice for algo traders, emphasizing the importance of risk management, backtesting, and staying informed....

    The Journey to Emotionless Trading

    Introduction: Welcome back to our "Algo Trading Unleashed" series! In the previous post, we discussed practical advice for algo traders, emphasizing the importance of risk management, backtesting, and staying informed....

  • Practical Advice for Algo Trader

    Practical Advice for Algo Trader

    Introduction: Welcome back to our "Algo Trading Unleashed" series! In the previous post, we explored the role of market makers and how they impact trading strategies. If you missed it,...

    Practical Advice for Algo Trader

    Introduction: Welcome back to our "Algo Trading Unleashed" series! In the previous post, we explored the role of market makers and how they impact trading strategies. If you missed it,...

  • The Role of Market Makers

    The Role of Market Makers

    Introduction: Welcome back to our "Algo Trading Unleashed" series! In the previous post, we explored diverse trading strategies and the importance of position sizing in managing risk. If you missed...

    The Role of Market Makers

    Introduction: Welcome back to our "Algo Trading Unleashed" series! In the previous post, we explored diverse trading strategies and the importance of position sizing in managing risk. If you missed...

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